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Beat the devastation of Covid-19

BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN 2021! Skills Development is not a luxury, it is a necessity ...

With transformation came an unskilled workforce occupying positions that required skilled workers. Without up-skilling the workforce, transformation leads to incompetent workers working in jobs ineffectively.

We see this in the billions of Rands spent on outsourcing skills. Literally, hundreds of billions of Rands have been spent on contractors and consultants. They who have the skills that the labour force lacks.

It is a mistake to neglect to equip our workforce.

Now with the after effects of Covid-19 on the economy, it is even more imperative to make skills development a priority. South Africa's economy has taken a massive beating and as a result, unemployment is a far bigger threat than the coronavirus. Investing energy into developing skills that are in demand is no longer a luxury but an essential part of survival now.

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